Walking Through Eternity: 1.1 An Unearthly Child
Hello all,
I know it's been a long time since posting, and I am hoping to write a post about what I've been up to shortly in the future, but in the meantime, I'd like to introduce a brand new series of posts for you all!
As many people know, my favorite TV series of all time is the beloved, long-running science fiction series Doctor Who. Through over 50 years, it has been a wonderful slice of television joy and I count myself proudly as one of the people who has a wide knowledge of both the classic and the new series. Naturally, as we've been together for over three years now, I thought it time I introduce my partner, Finn, to the great joys of the series. But where to begin? With the new stuff? The fourth Doctor? The seventh Doctor? The Third? And then, I realised that the best place to start was at the very beginning! While I have done most of the stories, I have never done them in order, from the start. It was something I was saving for my bucket list, but why not knock it out now? So, for the foreseeable future, my partner and I will be slowly working through the great Doctor Who journey, while I post my thoughts on the stories up shortly after. I am also endeavoring to include some special coverage of some of the wide variety of Doctor Who spin-off media available, such as novels, comics and audio adventures. I look forward to seeing you on this journey, as I present the TARDIS key to you and invite you to take it!
1.1 An Unearthly Child
4 episodes. Broadcast 23rd
November - 14th December 1963. Written by Anthony Coburn. Directed by Warris
A pair of schoolteachers, Ian and Barbara,
are fascinated by their student, Susan's, odd behaviour. Unable to explain why,
other than pure curiosity, they decide to visit her home. But the address she
provided is an old junkyard. How could this possibly be where she lives? And
could it have something to do with that angry old man guarding that oddly alive
police box? After the Doctor kidnaps them and transports the TARDIS to the days
of cavemen, he, Ian, Barbara and Susan must make fire or face a brutal death.
it iconic?
It's hard to imagine what it
would've been like sitting down to this series 54 years ago, especially not
after all that has happened since. But let's paint a picture for a moment.
First, some context. The day Doctor Who
was first broadcast would live down in history. It was the day JFK was shot and
killed. The world was suddenly a very different, scarier place. The news told
the story, the world was in shock. And then, a mere half-an-hour later, the
opening bars of the Doctor Who theme
began. The scariest, most alien sound anyone had ever heard. The world was
changing, the tune seemed to say, why not find some comfort in this strange,
wonderful little show?
To the viewers back in the 60s, this
represented a new beginning, something vastly different than they'd ever seen
before. Ironically, the feeling is much the same to a modern day viewer. This
isn't the Doctor Who we know either.
There is no fun, likable central character. The first Doctor, as played by
William Hartnell, is irascible, frustrating and oh, so very, very alien. Some
might go so far as to call him unlikable, but that's exactly the point. This is
a man who kidnaps his granddaughter's school teachers because they stumble upon
his weird bigger-on-the-inside spaceship. A man who smokes a pipe. A man who
almost kills one of the cavemen with a rock. The first Doctor is both young and
old, grumpy yet with a twinkle in his eye. What early Doctor Who presents, particularly in its first season, is the story
of an alien traveller who, through contact with the kindness of humanity,
learns to be a little less horrible. It's only at the conclusion of that
character arc that we begin to see a Doctor we recognise, but it's only early
days yet.
What's even stranger than the Doctor's behavior is that he's actually not the protagonist of the series. That role is
undertaken by Ian and Barbara, the aforementioned kidnapped schoolteachers.
They are the protagonists of the series, through whose eyes and experiences
allow us to see this strange new world. They keep the Doctor and the stories
grounded, ensuring that their very human, relatable reactions ensure something
scary is still enjoyable.
But the strengths! This is Doctor Who at its most nasty with a real
sense of threat that being in such a dangerous situation provides for both the
characters and the audience. It's seen in the constant mention of death or the
prison cell where the gang is held up, filled with skulls and bones. This is an
incredibly hostile, unpleasant environment. It's also a situation that plays up
Ian and Barbara's kindness, allowing the Doctor to change as well. A key scene
features the two stopping to help a man that had been chasing them, but who was
wounded by a creature. The Doctor wants to leave the man, going so far as to
grab a rock and almost drop it on the man's head, but Ian catches him, and
scolds him. They have to help him, it's the right thing to do, the human thing. It's the beginning of
change for the character, and it will happen a lot throughout this first year.
Ah, Susan. She's a character I really
struggle with. In her first appearance, she's a mysterious, alien presence,
very much the Doctor's granddaughter. When Barbara gives her a book on the
French Revolution, she memorably flips through the pages, stating "that's
not right!" It's such an unforgettably odd entrance, setting up great things
for her character. But after such a mysterious entrance, she becomes the
go-between for her grandfather and Ian and Barbara, settling disputes, but
never actively being a very engaging character. It doesn't help that she has an
annoying tendency to scream, cry and whine at the smallest things, but the big
problem is she's just not very interesting. But that's a problem for another
Or later in the episode, when Ian and
Barbara meet the Doctor in the junkyard, worried for Susan's wellbeing. They
think he's trapped her in the box, so they push past him and open the doors
into a massive, open, white space. Even when you know it's coming, as any
person who watches this, even if they've never seen Doctor Who must, it's still awe-inspiring and unforgettable. As the
ship departs and arrives on an alien planet, still in the form of a police box,
one has to wonder did the creators of this little show know how iconic they
were going to be? How this series would last for 54 years and is still going
strong? How despite constant changes it still manages to be the same basic
show? It seems impossible, but as anyone who loves Doctor Who knows, as soon as you hear those opening bars of the
theme tune, you know that anything is possible.
"If you could touch the alien sand and hear the cries of strange birds and watch them wheel in another sky, would that satisfy you?"
— The First Doctor
Next up: The Doctor meets his most dastardly foes in The Daleks!
David Gumball-Watson
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